Kumakiri's Filmography

Stefan Nutz / Nuzumakifilms nuzumaki at gmx.net
Tue Mar 14 13:23:07 EST 2006


Could anybody please help me with the filmography of Kumakiri Kazuyoshi?
This is the latest list i puzzled together, but i am not sure if it is 
correct. As far as i know
2 titels are missing:

*-Antenna *(/which is often credited as Hole in the Sky/- /but that's 
not correct)/*
**-Ravaged House, The: Zoroku's Disease *(/could be a part of an omnibus 
project, but i am not sure/./ Has anybody ever heard about this film?/)

*Blood Sucking Blade (1996)
The Overture of Life  (1996)
Kichiku  (1997)
Hole in the Sky (2003)**
Kihatsusei no onna (2004)




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