Dear KineJapaners

Mitch Cullin fpunk
Wed Mar 1 20:09:26 EST 2006

Wish I could be more helpful here, but I would still
like to suggest the 2004 documentary "Haruko" if you
haven't yet seen it--and while the name escapes me, I
seem to recall that Kore-eda made a documentary some
years ago about a Jainichi man living with HIV
(perhaps someone else on Kinejapan could refresh my

Good luck,

--- myoungsook park <citylights31 at> wrote:

> Recently I am researching on representation of
> Jainichi (resident Koreans).
> At this point, Oshima Nagisa's three documentaries
> on (resident)
> Koreans, and his feature, "Death by Hanging," and
> Yukisada Isao's "Go"
> in 2001 are texts I am thinking of on the level of
> significant and
> commercial filmmaking practices.
> Anybody knows scholarly works on this topic so far?
> and also, how can
> I get subtitled-Oshima's documentaries?
> Yomota Inuhiko sensei's article, "Stranger than
> Tokyo" and books on
> Oshima I found helpful.
> Thank you
> myoungsook

"As the movie industry becomes more like the merchandising industry, the book business becomes more like the movie industry.  There's more pressure.  I think it's very difficult to be a young writer today.  I fear that young writers, after one or two books, will disappear the way young film directors do."  --Don DeLillo

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