FW: "30 Years of Sisterhood" documentary on Women's Lib Movement, DVD orders

Livia Monnet rodica-livia.monnet
Sat Mar 11 03:17:19 EST 2006


   Hello. About two weeks ago I posted a note on the US tour of the
documentary " 30 Years of Sisterhood." Several people have emailed me
inquiring about the website of the film, and about DVD orders. The tour
organizer responded that for DVD orders Seyama san, one of the directors,
should be contacted at the email address below. The official website in
japanese is also indicated.

   For DVD orders of "30 Years of Sisterhood" please contact Seyama Noriko
at the address:( English and/or Japanese)
    GCF01456 at nifty.ne.jp

    Here is the film's website in Japanese.

  hope this will be useful.

Date?: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 18:36:18 -0500
??: <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Objet?: Japanese documentary on 1970s Women's Liberation Movement on US tour

To Kinejapaners:
Below is an announcement on the US tour of the recent documentary " 30 Years
of Sisterhood: Women in the 1970s Women's Liberation Movement in Japan" (
Yamagami Chieko, Seyama Noriko, 2004). The film has so far been screened in
Chicago,  in NY,  at Yale, in Boston etc.It presents an inspiring view of
the beginnings of the women's lib movement and feminist activism in the
early 1970s.The last screenings on the tour will be at the U of Minesota, U
of Illinois, Urbana-Campaign, and the Washington University in St.Louis. The
website is indicated below. The DVD can be ordered very easily, it has
English subtitles , and is very good material for courses on women's
movements, feminism, gender studies, women's documentary etc.


Expanded Tour: US Premiere of 30 Years of Sisterhood--Women in the
1970s Women's Liberation Movement in Japan-- with Panel Discussions
at 11 Midwest and East Coast Locations

We are pleased to welcome Boston College to the tour.
Please join us for the screening followed by a panel discussion of 30
Years of Sisterhood: Women in the 1970s Women's Liberation Movement
in Japan (co-directed by Chieko Yamagami & Noriko Seyama,
documentary: 57 min. 2004) at any of 11 locations in February.
Starting with the University of Chicago, the tour's main host, the
directors and several of the Women's Lib activists featured in the
film will visit the University of Iowa, Grinnell College, Yale
University, the LGBT Community Center and Bluestockings Books in New
York City, Boston College, the University of Michigan, the University
of Minnesota, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and
Washington University in St. Louis.

Contacts: Tomomi Yamaguchi (tomomiy at uchicago.edu ) or Miho Matsugu
(matsugum at grinnell.edu )

For New York events, please contact MASA (SwingMASA at aol.com)

For more information, please see our websites:

http://sisterhoodjapan.blogspot.com/ (in English)

http://sisterhood.exblog.jp/ (in Japanese)

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