First Annual KineJapan Youtube Festival

tanaka taro tarouttt
Mon Nov 20 03:49:35 EST 2006

I think this guy is quite amazing, and an interesting case of new forms of 
older Japanese 'arts of performance'.
He apperently calls himself Toho Rikimaru ?????and is referred to both 
as "mandokuka" ???(Manga Reader) and "manga benshi"?????. 

Luk Van Haute

>From: Mark Nornes <amnornes at>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan at
>Subject: First Annual KineJapan Youtube Festival
>Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 13:49:30 -0500

>Youtube's not going to around forever, and obviously the clips on it 
>  are ephemeral. Not only would it be interesting to share the 
>current  best of Japanese Youtube clips?ecause I'm sure you have 
>some?ut it  would be a nice record of our current moving image 
>culture. For  posterior's sake.
>So I'll kick it off.  I hope you can join me by posting your  
>favorites, along with a short kaisetsu, if you don't mind. And it  
>doesn't have to be Youtube; I use that only because it's reaching a  
>popularity that turns it into a verb, like Google before it. In 
>fact,  the first clip I'll send is actually my son's SMAP bit, which 
>I found  on a Youtube clone. So any moving image clip will do.
>Join me in the Grand Premiere screening just below; party will be  
>afterwards?ow about Kinema Club at Nippon Connection?

????! Windows Vista? 2007 Office system ???????? 

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