Help Needed (pinku eiga identification)

Steven C Harrison harrisonstevenc
Wed Nov 1 09:54:56 EST 2006

  Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
  Steven Harrison
  Greensboro, NC

Stephen Cremin <asianfilmlibrary at> wrote:
  It's a 1965 Wakamatsu Koji film called "Joji no rirekisho" starring Chigusa Midori and Saegusa Yoko.


On Wednesday, November 01, 2006, at 10:02PM, "Steven C Harrison" wrote:
> I was hoping someone on this list could help me identify this film. 
>I have a snapshot of the title (which I can't decipher). Here's the 
> unless there's some larger confusion about this, I think it would be 
>better to get offlist responses.
> cheers,
> Steven Harrison
> Greensboro, NC
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