broad request for suggestions: recent Japanese films

Peter Larson peter_larson2000 at
Sun Sep 24 12:28:30 EDT 2006

I would put Kore-eda's "Nobody Knows" on that list.

--- Christian Morimoto Hermansen
<christian_hermansen at> wrote:


Itami's "Tampopo" for its humor and superb
introduction to the Japanese's fascination for food as
well as manners in the 1980s, Miyazaki's "Totoro" as
representative of his art, Otomo's "Akira" and
Hideaki's "Neon Genesis Evangelion" as examples of
influential anime, and Kore-eda's "Distance" for its
sensitive reflection on Japanese and religions would
be on my list of important films from the last twenty
years. I think some of them will qualify as classics
even twenty years from now.

Christian M. Hermansen 

Associate Professor
Kwansei Gakuin University
Hyogo-ken, Nishinomiya-shi
Uegahara 1-1-155

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