Female Voice Actors in Male Anime Roles

Brian Ruh brianruh
Sat Apr 7 22:30:25 EDT 2007

--- Michael McCaskey <mccaskem at georgetown.edu> wrote:
> Does anyone know if it's fairly commonplace to use female voice
> actors for male anime character roles? Or is it quite unusual?

I think it is pretty common -- or if not common, certainly not that
unusual. Just a couple of quick examples -- both the Elric brothers
from "Fullmetal Alchemist" were voiced by women in the original
Japanese, as was Shinji from "Neon Genesis Evangelion." (These roles
were filled by men for the English dubs as well.)

== Brian

Brian's Essential Reading:
Book:     http://www.oshiibook.com
Research: http://www.animeresearch.com

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