Nippon Connection - A New Journal on Japanese Film and Culture

Dean Bowman
Sat Apr 14 13:12:44 EDT 2007

Dear all,

I wanted to give everyone a heads up about a potentially interesting
proposal i will be pitching at the Nippon Connection next week regarding
starting a new journal on Japanese film and visual culture.

I will be at the festival representing Intellect a young and exciting publisher of academic
books and journals in the UK, and also the distributors of the popular Film
International magazine (circulation 26000). Intellect are becoming UK market
leaders in publishing highly respected journals in film studies, which focus
on a variety of national cinemas traversing the globe. We are in the early
stages of planning a Journal of Japanese Cinema and visual culture and are
looking for collaborators, editors, writers and advisers.

If you are interested please look out for me at the Kinema Club Japan
conference at the Nippon Connection next week (i am quite recognisable with
long red hair and a Mao-era Chinese satchel - inappropriate, i know, but it
was a gift from a good friend). Alternatively drop me a line on at or call me on +44(0)7981567319 (i assume my mobile
will be working in Germany) and perhaps we can arrange to meet and talk some

I have been a member of this list for some time now, and i hope to finally
meet some of you at the conference.


Dean Bowman
Critic on Asian Cinema
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