Director of Kurokami yasha

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at
Wed Dec 26 14:33:55 EST 2007

> The director of Kurokami yasha according to JMDb is 大久保忠 
> 素.  I don't recognise this name and tentatively read it as Ōshii  
> hochūsō.

KineJun gives the name as Ôkubo Tadamoto. He was mostly a director  
during the silent age (known most for having Ozu and Saito Torajiro  
work under him) and later become a studio executive. Kishi Matsuo has  
a long entry on him in the 1976 KineJun Nihon eiga kantoku zenshu.

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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