Director of Kurokami yasha

Alexander Jacoby a_p_jacoby
Wed Dec 26 20:10:34 EST 2007

Incidentally, I believe that Suzuki's personal name was read Shigeyoshi in the twenties, but that he later opted for the on-yomi reading Jukichi. I haven't seen him listed elsewhere with the intermediate reading Shigekichi.
  His extant films are exceptionally good. The student comedy / melodrama Tears Behind Victory / Namida eikan ari (1931) was a revelation at Pordenone in 2001 as was The Reclaimed Land of Bears / Kuma no deru konkaichi (1932) with its marvellous snowbound landscapes. I prefer both these to the more famous What Made Her Do It. I also recently had the chance to see a short educational film he made it 1927, entitled Yami no tejina (the "tejina" is more to do with sleight of hand than its alternative meaning of magic). Although clear a minor film made on a very low budget (for an independent company based in Kobe), even this showed his skill with imaginative lighting effects.

Roger Macy <macyroger at> wrote:
  ???         Some help, please, on silent-era directors.
  In the journal 'Close Up' for March 1929, there was a piece written by 'J. Shige Sudzuky'.  He later made further contributions under this name, and there seems no doubt that this is SUZUKI shigekichi ????????????, who is clearly the same director as IMDb's 'shigeyoshi Suzuki'.
  One of the stills accompanying the article is of "Yoshiko Kawada, a Japanese star in The Black-haired Demon, a film by J. Shige Sudzuky."  But, of the 120 odd films in which ??????????&shy;? starred according to JMDb, NONE were made by Suzuki.  Kawada did, however star in a 1926 trilogy: ????????????  which I read as Kurokami yasha, and which translates perfectly well as 'Black-haired demon'.
  The director of Kurokami yasha according to JMDb is ?????
????? ?? .  I don't recognise this name and tentatively read it as ??shii hoch??s??.
  The correct reading of this name would be appreciated, together with any background.  I have a rough photocopy of the still, available on request to macyroger at
  I also have some other queries related to stills attributed to 'Sudzuky'.
  Happy holiday,
  Roger Macy

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