Company names

Alexander Jacoby a_p_jacoby
Fri Dec 28 13:21:38 EST 2007

On the other hand, if "Bamboo" in Close Up is listed as a Shochiku film, I wondered if the title might not simply be a name made up by a publicist, but an error caused by someone thinking the "chiku" of Shochiku was the title? Is that remotely possible?

Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at> wrote:
  Komatsu Hiroshi has an article in Film History in 2005 where he 
discusses the collaboration between Universal Studios (the US 
company), Bando Tsumasaburo (known as Bantsuma--not Hansai), and 
Tachibana Ryosuke. It also includes mentions of Suzuki's films Aoi 
ga (Blue Moth) and Hibari (Skylark) and a still from Aoi ga.

Since this was not a long-lived venture (really only 6 months), it is 
unlikely that Suzuki made anything other than the three you mention 
for this venture. A brief glance at other films made by the venture 
also didn't produce any similar film titles, so my impression is that 
the works mentioned in Close Up were just titles arbitrarily made up 
by some publicist.

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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