AW: reading japanese first names
Roland Domenig
roland.domenig at
Tue Jan 23 20:39:01 EST 2007
Namiki Shinsaku in his authoritative "Purokino zenshi" gives the name as Uemura.
In the 1976 edition of Kinema Junpo's "Nihon eiga kantoku zenshu" the entry written by Tanikawa Yoshio also gives Uemura Shukichi and states that his birth name was Uemura Osamu (or Shu) written with a different character (???) which supports the reading Uemura. But with Japanese names you never know.
Roland Domenig
Institute of East Asian Studies
Vienna University
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-KineJapan at im Auftrag von Mark Nornes
Gesendet: Mi 24.01.2007 01:38
An: KineJapan at
Betreff: Re: reading japanese first names
In my book, I used Kamimura Shukichi. I confirmed this with Makino
Mamoru, and I think I saw it in rubi once.
Kamimura was one of the key members of Prokino, and seemed to have
had a historical bent. He was one of the first to write the
movement's history....back when it was still going on.
On Jan 22, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Mathieu Capel wrote:
> Dear Kinejapan members,
> Sorry for using the kinejapan network for a such a small matter, but
> working by now on Prokino, I had to translate a small part of a text
> by a man called Uemura (the article is called Prokino Newsreel no
> katsudo), but am still wondering how to read his first name :
> ????
> Can someone help for this little task ?
> Thanks
> Mathieu Capel
> Paris
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