Help re Illus

Li Hoo Cheong lbhcli
Fri Jan 5 02:49:32 EST 2007

Happy New Year!  The Year of the Pig, the Chinese new year, will start
on Sunday, 18 February.  A better movie-watching year for everyone.

I am writing to seek help re some remaining illustrations for my
forthcoming book "Heisei Japanese Cinema, 1989-2005" which is written in
Chinese and finally completed after 5 years.  After the first part with
chapters on "A Hundred Years of Japanese Cinema", "New Features of
Heisei Cinema", and "Heisei Films in Hong Kong", the second part focus
on 10 directors and 10 actors/actresses.  Part 3 includes film reviews
under 10+ genres, and Part 4 lists KineJun's Annual Best 10 rankings,
Heisei's 4 major film awards, and 2 lists of Heisei films screened in
Hong Kong, one on commercially distributed films, and on on Film
Festival special screenings .  The book reviews a total of 135 films (82
best-10 films), each with a Sight and Sound style synopsis, by 70
directors.  The book will be published in February/March and has about
280,000 words and 180 illustrations.

The publisher told me that some illustrations I sent them are poor in
quality.  The illustrations are all film ads, book covers, video/VCD/DVD
covers, film pamplets covers, and film fliers.  No stills or portrait
photos are used.  The illustrations for the 6 films indicated below
needs better image files as the ones I got from the Internet were not
good enough for use.

Living on the River Agano (1992, SATO Makoto) (Aga ni ikiru)

Tokyo Fist  (1995, TSUKAMOTO Shinya)

Tokyo Siblings (1995, ICHIKAWA Jun) (Tokyo kyodai)

Tokiwa: The Manga Apartment (1996, ICHIKAWA Jun) (Tokiwa-so no seishun)

Body and Soul (1997, ARAI Haruhiko) (Mi mo kokoro mo)

Owl's Castle (1999, SHINODA Masahiro) (Fukuro no shiro)

If you have any original film ads, video/VCD/DVD covers, film pamplets
covers, or film fliers of the above film(s) and are willing to help.
Please scan the image and send the file to me at    lbhcli at

Items of any language are of help, be it in Japanese, English, Chinese,
French, German, Spanish or Korean as the image will tell the story.

Many thanks in advance

H C Li
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