Takemitsu Tôru and books into film

Melek Ortabasi mortabas
Mon Jan 8 21:22:03 EST 2007

Hello all, and Happy New Year.

This might be information that is already known 
to most, but I thought it might be useful to post 
it anyway.

There is a short article on the new Takemitsu 
T?ru zensh? (which apparently includes 58 CDs) in 
the latest issue of _Japanese Book News_, 
published by the Japan Foundation. The article, 
by Konuma Jun'ichi, is also something of a 
bibliography on TT studies.

The same issue, # 50, also has a short blurb on 
recent books that have been made into movies. 
Could be of use, given recent discussion of this 
on the list.

_Japanese Book News_ is available online at 
www.jpf.go.jp/e/publish/jbn/index.html. I've 
noticed it regularly features new publications on 
film and anime.

Melek Ortabasi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Comparative Literature
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY

**Visiting Researcher at The University of Tokyo, 2006-2007**

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