Two TV-related questions

Eija Niskanen eija.niskanen at
Thu Jul 5 03:01:20 EDT 2007

As for your 2nd question, the program in question was "Professional",
aired by NHK, and featuring professionals of different occupation.


On 7/5/07, Melek Ortabasi <mortabas at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Here are two rather random questions that I'm hoping someone out
> there can answer off the top of their head.
> 1) Does anyone know where I could find out more about a 50s-60s NHK
> program entitled "Koko ni kane wa naru"? I've seen one episode, and
> it's obviously an adaptation of Ralph Edwards' "This is Your Life."
> Airing dates, and any other information, would be gratefully accepted.
> 2) I was very struck by the surliness of a Miyazaki Hayao I saw in a
> documentary a few months ago on Japanese TV, in which he attended a
> screening of _Geddo senki_. He leaves mid-screening, obviously upset,
> and when asked to comment on the film, directed by his son, can only
> reply (angrily and puffing madly on a cigarette) that his son has not
> yet grown up. I caught the program midstream, and unfortunately don't
> even remember what channel it was on. Does anyone know what it was
> called/where I can find it?
> Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
> Best,
> Melek
> --
> Melek Ortabasi, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Comparative Literature
> Hamilton College
> Clinton, NY
> **Visiting Researcher at The University of Tokyo, 2006-2007**

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