No creative films?

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at
Thu Jul 19 20:03:18 EDT 2007

Not much traffic on KineJapan these days. Is everyone off on summer 

The Japanese embassy sent me a note saying that the Ministry of Foreign 
Affairs has put together a new pamphlet called "Creative Japan" 
spotlighting the world-wide influence of contemporary Japanese culture:

A nice publicity pamphlet, but do you notice something missing? Anime 
is included, but nothing on live-action film. Even with the world-wide 
interest in J-horror, Kitano, Miike, Tsukamoto and others, is 
live-action film not part of "Creative Japan"? What do KineJapanners 
think of this? Is it one more sign that all the government's emphasis 
on "cool Japan" and "the contents industry" does really not include 
live-action film (or TV, for that matter)? Or what?

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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