Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Film

Furukawa, Susan Westhafer sfurukaw
Mon Jun 11 14:28:27 EDT 2007


I write with a self-introduction and a question.

First, the introduction:

My name is Susan Furukawa.  I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of 
East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University (USA).  My 
project looks at how Toyotomi Hideyoshi has been portrayed in popular 
culture (primarily literature but also film).

My question:

Other than Teshigahara Hiroshi's film Rikyu, what films portray 
Toyotomi Hideyoshi as a central character?  I am aware of the various 
television series about him but would like to know more about feature 

Many thanks for your help.

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