AW: Toshiya Fujita titles

Roland Domenig roland.domenig at
Sun Mar 11 06:48:25 EDT 2007

Jasper, Fujita Toshiya's nickname was "Paki". He got the name in 1955 during the shooting of Nishikawa Katsumi's "Haru no yoru no dekigoto". Fujita had just entered Nikkatsu and was assigned third assistant director to Nishikawa, who likened Fujita with the Prince of Pakistan because of his fairly dark complexion, small moustache and dark sunglasses. First assistant director Masuda Toshio thereafter started calling him Paki-san, which became his nickname. 

Alex, regarding Fujita's second Shura yukihime film: the Kojien lists  "renka" and "koiuta" as correct readings, but not "renga", so I guess it should be "Urami renka". But with Japanese titles one never knows...

Roland Domenig
Institute of East Asian Studies
Vienna University

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-KineJapan at im Auftrag von
Gesendet: So 11.03.2007 11:14
An: KineJapan at
Betreff: Re: Toshiya Fujita titles
>answer this, sorry, but here's another query regarding Fujita - I believe he
>was also commonly known by a one-word nickname as well, which I remember
>writing down on a scrap of paper several years ago. Does anyone offhand know
>what this name  was?



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