KINEJAPAN digest 2059
Marc Walkow
Thu Mar 22 01:14:38 EDT 2007
This is an automatic reply.
Marc is out of the country and not checking email until March 22nd.
He'll get your message then.
On Mar 15, 2007, at 1:08 AM, KineJapan at wrote:
> KINEJAPAN Digest 2059
> Topics covered in this issue include:
> 1) death and life of Japanese films in LA
> by "Jonathan M. Hall" <jmhall at>
> 2) Sumo
> by <mitso2000 at>
> 3) Re: Sumo
> by Mark Nornes <amnornes at>
> 4) Sumo.....
> by Mitsuo Maeda <mitso2000 at>
> From: "Jonathan M. Hall" <jmhall at>
> Date: March 14, 2007 6:04:00 AM EDT
> To: KineJapan <KineJapan at>
> Subject: death and life of Japanese films in LA
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> From: <mitso2000 at>
> Date: March 14, 2007 8:11:03 PM EDT
> To: kinejapan at
> Subject: Sumo
> Do any of you know any films that deal with sumo? I know of "Sumo
> do Sumo Don't" but are there others?
> From: Mark Nornes <amnornes at>
> Date: March 14, 2007 8:18:56 PM EDT
> To: KineJapan at
> Subject: Re: Sumo
> On Mar 14, 2007, at 8:11 PM, <mitso2000 at>
> <mitso2000 at> wrote:
>> Do any of you know any films that deal with sumo? I know of "Sumo
>> do Sumo Don't" but are there others?
> There are early actualities of sumo, perhaps the first sports films
> in Japanese cinema. They even have a structure similar to current
> day television?except that the loser's name gets an X through it.
> And many of the bouts are performed for laughs.
> A couple other films with sumo scenes come to mind: Shibukawa
> Bangoro (pretty funny), War at Sea from Hawai'i to Malaya (pretty
> serious).
> Markus
> From: Mitsuo Maeda <mitso2000 at>
> Date: March 14, 2007 10:14:34 PM EDT
> To: KineJapan at
> Subject: Sumo.....
> Excuse me for the brevity of my initial post. It occurred to me
> that I should introduce myself a bit. I am a graduate student at
> the University of Southern California. I am working on a project
> that examines how sumo is shown both in Japanese popular culture
> and the presentation of foreign wrestlers. I am comparing foreign
> wrestlers and the sumo system to the Hollywood star system and its
> total control over talent. During this time, Sessue Hayakawa, a
> Japanese-American actor was presented as a "model minority" who
> successfully assimilated into American culture. I want to compare
> him to sumo wrestlers. I am also looking at Richard Dyer's work
> on the construction of the Hollywood star and would like to find
> general materials in film that present sumo as a vehicle for
> assimilation or even sumo in general.
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