The Kamikaze in Japanse and International Film in Japan Focus

Jesse Kalin kalin at
Mon May 28 11:43:01 EDT 2007

One might compare this film with the two German versions of "Die  
Brücke" ("The Bridge")--1949, 1959--about 16 year-olds drafted in the  
last days of the war and sent to defend an unimportant bridge, yet  
still patriotic and idealists about the war.  The intentions of the  
German directors seem different from Ishihara's, but the effect on  
the audience may be the same.
Jesse Kalin

On May 28, 2007, at 9:53 AM, Mark Nornes wrote:

> Japan Focus has an article by Kim Do-hyeong entitled, "The Kamikaze  
> in Japanse and International Film." A quote:
> Here in Tokyo, I saw two movies last week. One was a feature, and  
> the other was a documentary. Both were about Japan’s Kamikaze  
> pilots in World War II.
> "I wanted to convey the corps’ beauty to young people today." So  
> writes Tokyo mayor Ishihara Shintaro at the start of "For Those We  
> Love," (Ore wa kimi no tame ni koso shini ni iku the feature film.  
> Ishihara is the film’s executive producer and scriptwriter.
> Ishihara’s ability to move audiences by having them discover the  
> "beauty" of the Kamikaze pilots instead of any "madness" on their  
> part, the beauty of their glorious self-sacrifice, was far more  
> skilled and clever than I thought it could be.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> For the entire article:
> In Variety, Mark Schilling reported that it was one of the top  
> grossing films. Has anyone seen this?
> Markus

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