YIDFF awards

Wei Ting Jen intewig at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 20:22:47 EDT 2007

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Wang Bing winning the Grand Prize again -
doesn't that mean that Chinese directors have won three straight in a
row now? Wang Bing in '03 and '07, and the Flood documentary in '05.

And I note that the Asian currents section was won by another Flood
documentary too - how did other KineJapan members find these films?
According to my friends in the Chinese doc industry the three
Gorges/Flood theme has become very overdone and trite, would be
interested to see if the directors did anything special to merit this
top prize.

Wei Ting

On 10/11/07, Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at yale.edu> wrote:
> Perhaps to give Markus a break from his great reports (my wife, at
> least, reports she is exhausted after the festival), here is a link
> to the awards announcement:
> http://www.yidff.jp/2007/2007-e.html#award
> For Japanese films, Kawase's Tarachime won the Special Prize in the
> International Competition, while Nomoto Masaru's Back Drop Kurdistan
> won an Award for Excellence in New Asian Currents and a Citizen's Prize.
> Aaron Gerow
> KineJapan owner
> Assistant Professor
> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
> Yale University
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