Tail lights in Otomo's Akira

Kurt Porter kurtporter.home at verizon.net
Fri Oct 26 12:49:41 EDT 2007

In still photography that look is achieved by closing the lens down to  
a very small aperture and then leaving the lens open for a long  
period, from 30 seconds to several minutes.  This lets

On Oct 26, 2007, at 8:00 AM, Bruce Baird <baird at asianlan.umass.edu>  

> Dear Colleagues,
> I am showing my class Otomo's Akira and trying to spend time talking  
> both about content issues/historical background and also about  
> formal issues/artistry.  Otomo often makes streak of the taillights  
> of the motorbikes linger on screen after the bikes have driven  
> away.  I assume that this is a technique he borrowed from cinema and  
> replicated in the anime format (as with the many another borrowings  
> from cinema in both manga and anime), but I just  don't know enough  
> about the technical way you do this is cinema.  Can anyone imagine  
> what I am talking about and provide an explanation?  I assume it has  
> to do with some cinematic analogue to shutter speed or something  
> like that.
> Best,
> Bruce
> Bruce Baird
> Assistant Professor
> Asian Languages and Literatures
> University of Massachusetts Amherst
> Butô, Japanese Theater, Intellectual History
> 717 Herter Hall
> 161 Presidents Drive
> University of Massachusetts Amherst
> Amherst, MA 01003-9312
> Phone: 413-577-4992
> Fax: 413-545-4975
> baird at asianlan.umass.edu
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