New Wakamatsu Censorship

Alex Zahlten Alex.Zahlten
Fri Oct 5 03:56:33 EDT 2007

Two nights ago on the German/French channel Arte, there was a brief report on "Embryo" opening in France (with some clips, interestingly); however it didn't mention the apparent resistance the rating has roused.


-------- Original-Nachricht he --------
> Datum: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 19:15:46 -0400
> Von: amnornes at
> An: KineJapan at
> Betreff: New Wakamatsu Censorship

> Hirasawa Go relays news that Wakamatsu's Embryo Goes A-Poaching (choose 
> your title) is caught up  in a new censorship controversy in France. 
> The culture minister declared it pornography and has given it an R18 
> rating. This is the latest in a series of similar ratings, and seems to 
> be roiling the film scene there. A coalition of groups is organizing to 
> protest, including LA SRF (Societe des Realisateurs de Films), L'ARP 
> (Societe civile des Auteurs Realisateurs Producteurs), LE SFCC (Le 
> Syndicat francais de la Critique de Cinema), LE SPI (Le Syndicat des 
> Producteurs Independants), L'ACID (L'Association du Cinema Independant 
> pour sa diffusion), LE GNCR (Le Groupement National des Cinemas de 
> Recherche), Carrefour des Festivals, Le Festival d'Amiens, 
> L'Observatoire de la liberte d'expression en matiere de creation de  la 
> Ligue des Droits de l'Homme.
> Such a troublemaker!
> Markus

alex at

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