Kinugasa (was: eisenstein & montage in prole cinema)

Mark D. Roberts mroberts37
Tue Oct 23 21:21:06 EDT 2007

On Oct 24, 2007, at 9:34 AM, Alexander Jacoby wrote:

> The 1940 Battle of Kawanakajima (an epic war film)

This film was screened at Yamagata a few weeks ago to a full house.  
Visually it seemed fairly accomplished. The narrative was (at least  
for me) rather difficult to follow, though. A lot of time was spent  
showing the battle preparations, seemingly endless caravans of wagons  
rolling through the countryside, etc. But then, in the final  
conflict, one side decimates the other with rifles, and we never even  
really get a good glimpse of them. It's like a prolonged ambush.

I am not familiar enough with other battle films from the period, so  
I can't really evaluate it, but the whole final sequence of the film  
was quite surprising.
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