Musical films
Michael Kerpan
Wed Nov 5 09:07:53 EST 2008
If one is willing to look at non-musical films depicting contemporary life, it seems like a fair number of the (surviving) films of the very late 20s, early 30s and late 40s, featured couples dancing. The earliest I can recall would be in Shimizu's 1929 "Fue no shiratama" (where it is cast in a somewhat negative light). One interesting variation, Naruse's White Beast from the late 40s depicted young women in a reformatory dancing to phonograph records.
--- On Wed, 11/5/08, Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at> wrote:
> From: Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at>
> Subject: Re: Musical films
> To: KineJapan at
> Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 12:47 PM
> Lorenzo was emphasizing a special case of films with couple
> dancing,
> not just musicals in general. I have an upcoming article on
> musicals,
> and I can attest there certainly are a lot of musicals,
> broadly
> defined. There are fewer full-blown musicals where the
> narrative
> practically stops and people start singing and dancing, but
> there are
> still quite a few. But most of those feature singing with
> limited
> choreography.
> That doesn't mean there was not history of couple
> dancing. The
> Rokumeikan was famous for dancing in the early Meiji (and
> thus social
> dancing today is not just the result of the influence of
> Hollywood),
> and you can see couples dancing in a number of even
> pre-1960 films:
> Tokyo Rhapsody (where in one scene it is two women
> dancing!), Anjo-ke
> no budokai, and even Utau tanuki gassen (where a more
> "Japanese-
> style" dance between two characters is narratively
> important).
> Of course, one of the biggest representations of social
> dancing in
> the last ten years in Japan was the Urinari Geinojin Shako
> Dansu Bu,
> where geinojin trained and entered real dance competitions
> (long
> before Dancing with the Stars).
> Aaron Gerow
> KineJapan owner
> Assistant Professor
> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
> Yale University
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