Japan Foundation 16mm prints

Mark D. Roberts mroberts37 at mail-central.com
Wed Sep 3 20:19:01 EDT 2008

On Sep 3, 2008, at 10:32 PM, Aaron Gerow wrote:

> But many in the Japanese film industry these days are ignorant and  
> short-sighted, only looking at the money in front of their faces and  
> not thinking of long-term ways of building up their business. It is  
> quite frustrating dealing with such people who don't understand  
> their business or care much about movies.

If the production companies have proven themselves to be intransigent,  
shouldn't the issue be taken to a higher level?

Why, for example, does the Ministry of Culture claim to promote Japan  
as "a culture-oriented country", "the maintenance and establishment of  
cultural facilities", "international cultural exchange; designation of  
national treasures, important cultural properties", etc., and yet they  
seem to be completely MIA in this matter?


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