[Fwd: Sad News]

Michael Raine mjraine
Mon Sep 22 15:59:10 EDT 2008

Some terribly unfortunate news on KineJapan this week. Keiko McDonald was
the most extraordinarily enthusiastic teacher of Japanese film. She was a
gracious host when I gave a talk in her class at Pitt a few years ago. The
class was huge! I was struck by how much the students enjoyed her presence,
and impressed by how generous she was with her time and energy. I'm sure she
will be sorely missed by us all. 




Michael Raine

Assistant Professor in Japanese Cinema

The University of Chicago

mjraine at uchicago.edu


From: Chika Kinoshita [mailto:kinotchka at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 7:56 PM
To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Sad News]


Dear all,

This news is so upsetting, but I thought many of you would like to know.
Keiko sensei was very energetic, and I was hoping that she would continue to
be active in our field for a long time...

With best wishes,

Chika Kinoshita
Assistant Professor of Film Studies
University of Western Ontario


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