Schrader's "Mishima"'s retouchings/enhancements

Steve Stevens stevesendai
Sun Sep 28 17:20:36 EDT 2008

I have the DVD recently released by Criterion, which states "New, restored high-definition digital transfer of the director's cut, supervised and approved by director Paul Schrader and cinematographer John Bailey" and wonder if it is the same, and if the film is still banned in Japan.

Steve Stevens (in London)

----- Original Message ----
From: Frako Loden <frako at>
To: KineJapan at
Sent: Sunday, 28 September, 2008 22:08:35
Subject: Schrader's "Mishima"'s retouchings/enhancements

The Mill Valley Film Festival is showing Paul Schrader's 1985Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, "retouched and enhanced." Can anybody who's read about or seen this particular print--this will be its? first screening in the US--tell me what exactly has been retouched and enhanced?

Thanks a lot,

Frako Loden
Berkeley, CA

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