CFP: Men at War

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at
Tue Feb 17 16:42:53 EST 2009

If anyone is working on masculinity in Japanese war movies:

Call for Papers

Men at War: Masculinities, Identities, Cultures

2-day International Conference, 10-11 September 2009,
GWACS – Group for War and Culture Studies and JWCS - Journal of War  
and Culture Studies
In association with
GENCAS – (Gender and Society) Swansea University
MEICAM – (Conflict and Memory) Swansea University

The Group for War and Culture Studies (GWACS) will hold this year’s  
annual conference in association with research centres GENCAS (Gender  
and Society) and MEICAM (Conflict and Memory) based at Swansea  

Plenary Speaker:
Graham Dawson (Brighton)
"Masculinity, State Violence, and the Political Psychology of  
Military Extirpation: Reflections of the Israeli Assault on Gaza, 27  
December 2008 - 17 January 2009."

Themes of papers might include:

War Propaganda and Masculine Identities
Men’s Testimony
Soldiers or Warriors? Mythical Men at War
  Military Masculinities in Visual Cultures
Conflict and Emasculation
Disability and Masculine Identities
Fictional Representations of Men at War
Terrorism and Masculine Identities
The ‘Language’ of Men at War

Please submit abstracts (100 words) to Helena Scott  
(h.scott at by March 1 2009.
A selection of papers from the conference will be published in a  
themed issue of the refereed Journal of War and Culture Studies.

The conference will be held at the University of Wales Conference  
Centre, Newtown, Mid Wales

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