Censorship, Media and Literary Culture in Japan: From Edo toPostwar, Intl Symposium at Columbia

Abraheme Hassan abe.hassan2 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 12:04:44 EST 2009

Hi everyone, I am currently devising a thesis proposal for an independent
study in my last semester at Baruch College. What I hope to evaluate, or
analyze is Japanese Film in the 1960's. My thesis will be a minimum of
thirty pages. My main concern is would a proposal such as, " How Oshima and
Imamura projected Japanese identity and history in the 1960's, through their
works, collaboration and separation from major studios and the ATG," be a
cohesive subject to tackle?

Currently I am reading Darrel W. Davis " Picturing Japaneseness, " in
addition to "Eros and Massacre." One proviso I would like to point out is I
hope to grasp my thesis, in a perspective of how Japanese Films are
perceived by my generation. The anonymous "Asian" film is no longer coined,
I find what makes Japanese "Japanese" is the inaccessibleness. I will to
elaborate further as I read more articles and journals.

And of course, is there any books, articles, databases, contacts I should be
aware of for my thesis ?


Abraheme Hassan
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