budgeting for film series

Alex Zahlten Alex.Zahlten at gmx.de
Fri Jul 3 04:18:48 EDT 2009


at least in Germany, there is an important difference between the film prints the Japan Foundation has in its local archive and prints it stores in Tokyo. The prints in Germany can be screened free of charge (in Germany) as long as you don't take admission fees from the audience, so shipping fees are the only real cost. For prints located in Japan, the rights have to be cleared first, and this might or might not cost you something, depending on who the rights holder is. If it's a former major, be prepared to pay quite a lot.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 11:23:25 +0900
> Von: Eija Niskanen <eija.niskanen at gmail.com>
> An: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Betreff: Re: budgeting for film series

> Hi!
> I was involved in programming an animation series for the Finnish Film
> Archive. Something to take into account is that although the film
> print comes from Japan Foundation, you would, in many cases, still
> have to pay a screening fees to whoever owns the rights of the film.
> This ranges anywhere from between 100 to 1000 U.S. dollars per
> screening, and has to be negotiated separately with each film company
> or rights owner.
> Eija
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Sybil Thornton<camford1989 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > I am helping write a grant proposal to establish one or more series of
> > Japanese films.  Could those of you who have done so based on films from
> the
> > Japan Foundation and Nippon Connection give me an idea of your budgets
> > (including number of films)?  I would be very appreciative.
> >
> > Sybil Thornton
> > History
> > Arizona State University
> >
> >
> -- 
> Eija Niskanen
> c/o Hirasawa
> Koenji-kita 4-2-10
> Suginami-ku
> Tokyo 166-0002

alex at nipponconnection.de

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