Bizzaro SCMS, Tokyo

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at
Tue May 26 09:06:53 EDT 2009

I'm getting started again after my return from Japan.

To add to what Michael wrote, I first wanted to give my thanks to the  
KineJapan membership. It was the call by all you folks to hold  
something in place of SCMS that got the wheels moving and resulted in  
the Alt-SCMS (even if it ended up not getting the name Kinema Club  
X). This shows the spirit of KineJapan.

And I also wanted to thank Kurosawa Kiyoshi and Aoyama Shinji for the  
great talk on Sunday, one that went far over time. It was great to  
see them taking over the talk by getting into a pretty intense  
conversation between themselves on the state of the industry and the  
question of "commercialism" versus alternative cinema. Some came up  
later and said it was the best directors' talk they've ever heard. I  
wouldn't go that far, but they got so into it that we had to continue  
the talk for 2 hours over coffee afterwards.

Thanks to all of you!

Aaron Gerow
Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University
53 Wall Street, Room 316
PO Box 208363
New Haven, CT 06520-8363
Phone: 1-203-432-7082
Fax: 1-203-432-6764
e-mail: aaron.gerow at

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