self-introduction and request

Mia Webster Mia.Webster at RADIO-CANADA.CA
Tue May 19 11:40:17 EDT 2009

Name: Mia Webster
Institutional affiliation or job: Visual researcher for CBC / Radio-Canada (French language Canadian public broadcaster)
City and country: Montréal, Canada
Research projects or publications: Currently working on doc on WWII
Interests with regard to Japanese film and moving image media: 
For this current documentary project, I would like to view the following two Japanese films:
- Chokoreto to heitai (Chocolate and soldiers), directed by Takeshi Sato, first aired in Osaka Nov 30, 1938
- Nishizumi Senshacho-Den (The Story of Tank Commander Nishizumi), directed by Kosaburo Yoshimura, first aired at the Kokusai cinema, Nov 29, 1940

I haven't been able to find them on the web, at nor, at any of our specialized video stores, at  I contacted the Kawakita Memorial Film Institute in Japon, as well as The Asian Film Archives but they couldn't help.  I searched the websites of the National Film Center of the NMOMA in Tokyo, and NHK but have come up with nothing.  I also contacted the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre here in Montreal, the Canada-Japan Society, the Japanese consulat of Canada, the Japan Society of New York, the Center for Asian American Media, and the Canadian association of Asiatic Studies, but no-one was able to offer any other suggestions of where I might find these.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thank you, much appreciated,
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