Alternative Conference to SCMS

Eija Niskanen eija.niskanen at
Sat May 16 21:08:22 EDT 2009

One problem has arisen. The scholars, who were to deliver in Japanese,
were waiting for special directions, and at least the ones I know fro
Kansai area did not know what to do yesterday, meaning the missed the
workshop registration deadline. Were Japanese-language papers to be
included i the 1-day workshop?


On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Dalle Vacche, Angela
<angela.dallevacche at> wrote:
> Angela Dalle Vacche, GeorgiaInstitute of Technology Paper*
> Alberti, Kepler, Bazin and Children in Film
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Aaron Gerow" <aaron.gerow at>
> To: KineJapan at
> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 10:56:30 PM GMT +09:00 Japan
> Subject: Re: Alternative Conference to SCMS
>> It is absolutely necessary that we can confirm as soon as possible
>> the number of participants, so PLEASE CONVEY THE FOLLOWING
>> INFORMATION to aaron.gerow at by 6:00 AM (Eastern Daylight
>> Time), March 16, 2009:
> The deadline, of course, should be MAY 16. Sorry about that.
> Aaron Gerow

Eija Niskanen
c/o Hirasawa
Koenji-kita 4-2-10
Tokyo 166-0002

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