Alternative Conference to SCMS

YW hahumiaomiao at
Fri May 15 14:08:35 EDT 2009

a question about quarantine. 

What has been done in China, according to what I read, is that if one 
person is tested swine flu positive, then people sitting close to 
him/her in the plane or any other public space will also be quarantined 
for a week at least.

Does anybody know if Japan is doing similar things?  It would be very 
upsetting if one makes the trip to Tokyo only to get quarantined because 
someone else in the plane is infected.


Yiman W
Aaron Gerow wrote:
>> It is absolutely necessary that we can confirm as soon as possible 
>> the number of participants, so PLEASE CONVEY THE FOLLOWING 
>> INFORMATION to aaron.gerow at by 6:00 AM (Eastern Daylight 
>> Time), March 16, 2009:
> The deadline, of course, should be MAY 16. Sorry about that.
> Aaron Gerow

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