Kinema Club X: at SCMS in Tokyo

Kukhee Choo choo.kukhee at
Wed May 13 14:18:44 EDT 2009

Oh, and I will try to contact the department to see if it will be a 
problem or not, but since it's called the 'commons', I'm assuming that 
it would be okay for common scholars like us to use it?


Kukhee Choo wrote:
> Markus,
> I think that there will be enough room for 2 huddles, each with 10-15 
> people max. Here's a link to how it looks inside.
> Kukhee
>> Kukhee, how many huddles could the Fukutake Hall accommodate? Do you 
>> need advance permission? If the place suddenly filled with "study 
>> groups" would we suddenly be negotiating with campus police?

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