wishing Donald Richie well

Jonathan M. Hall jmhall at pomona.edu
Mon Nov 16 09:55:57 EST 2009

Dear KineJapanners,

As some KineJapanners are aware, Donald Richie has been in a Tokyo hospital for a few weeks now, recovering from pneumonia.  It's a long struggle, and, as David Bordwell reminds us on his blog, now is a good time for those who've enjoyed Donald's always eloquent criticism and his distinctive presence to send Donald some encouragement.  Please consider checking Professor Bordwell's blog:  http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/

There's an address to send best wishes for Donald, which I repeat here:
Donald Richie, c/o KiSMet, 1-2-7-8E Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo Japan 153-0063 JAPAN

This is not Donald's hospital address, so please don't send flowers.

Respectfully submitted,
Jonathan M Hall
Pomona College/ Meiji Gakuin University

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