
Roger Macy macyroger at
Mon Nov 9 19:44:04 EST 2009

Dear Moe,
Could we take your successful enquiry one step further, please ?

In what country did you see this movie, and do you think it was at the cinema or on TV ?

It interests me because in this country (UK) and others, back in the eighties and before, considerable numbers of foreign movies were broadcast and had subtitles prepared.   They certainly have not all reappeared on DVD.  The broadcasting companies have all effectively shed their public service obligations but managed to keep their titling work, along with much other intellectual property, buried in-house.

So there's more than one inaccessible list this film may be on.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "rasti moe" <rasti at>
To: <KineJapan at>
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: help!

Thank you very much Kumiko san:
That's it!  that's the movie I was looking for.

On Nov 5, 2009, at 1:10 PM, Michael Kerpan wrote:

> The film version was made by Minoru Shibuya -- and has a very fine 
> cast.  I wouldn't mind seeing this -- but I'd be surprised if it ever 
> appears in subbed form.
> --- On Thu, 11/5/09, Kumiko Saito <kumikos at> wrote:
>> From: Kumiko Saito <kumikos at>
>> Subject: Re: help!
>> To: "KineJapan at" 
>> <KineJapan at>
>> Date: Thursday, November 5, 2009, 3:55 AM
>> Hello Moe,
>> The story you described sounded like Nagayo Yoshiro's novel
>> Seido no
>> Kirisuto, Christ in Bronze (sorry I'm more in the
>> literature side). I
>> don't know about its film adaptation, but Wikipedia (excuse
>> my using
>> it) tells the film version was made in 1955 and was shown
>> at Cannes in
>> 1956. The plot focuses on a blacksmith who was ordered to
>> make a
>> bronze "fumie" and he does it out of his romantic love for
>> a Christian
>> girl. He gets suspected to
>> be a Christian himself because the Christ figure he created
>> was too
>> beautiful, and he gets killed. Good luck with your
>> research! -Kumiko
>> Sato
>> On Nov 4, 2009, at 22:26, rasti moe <rasti at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Bianca;
>>> I've already checked Silence too but that's not
>> it.
>>> but thanks anyway.
>>> by the way, I hear Scorsese is remaking the silence.
>>> On Nov 5, 2009, at 5:58 AM, Bianca Briciu wrote:
>>>> Hello Moe,
>>>> The film you are talking about is made after a
>> novel by Endo Shusaku
>>>> and it is called Silence (Chinmoku in Japanese). I
>> don't know who
>>>> made
>>>> it but maybe you find it after the title. All
>> Endo's novels are about
>>>> Christianity in Japan and very, very interesting.
>>>> Best, Bianca
>>>>> Hi everyone;
>>>>> I just joined kinejapan and got a question,
>> appreciated if one of u
>>>>> can help.
>>>>> I'm searching for a title to a Japanese movie.
>> it's a black and
>>>>> white
>>>>> movie probably made in 1960s and it's about
>> prosecution of
>>>>> christians
>>>>> in sixteen century Japan.
>>>>> a blacksmith is told to make a cross and to
>> make people walk on it
>>>>> and those hidden christian who wouldn't
>> walk on cross are branded
>>>>> Christian and punished. this blacksmith who is
>> not a christian has a
>>>>> sister who is a Christian and make him see the
>> light so to speck and
>>>>> I 'm not sure but probably he refuses to make
>> the cross or walk on
>>>>> it
>>>>> and gets killed.
>>>>> any suggestion?
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> Moe
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