Imagining law?

Melek Ortabasi mso1 at
Wed Sep 16 19:42:01 EDT 2009

Hello all,

I am forwarding a query from a friend and colleague who specializes in Japanese law and is beginning a new, cultural studies-oriented project. If you have suggestions for him (see his query, which I have included below), PLEASE CONTACT HIM DIRECTLY since he is not a member of this list. His name is Leon Wolff, and his email address is: leonthomaswolff at

I am sure he would greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have, and I apologize for cross-posting.

Best regards,

Basically, I am interested in pursuing a project on how Japanese "imagine" law, lawyers and the legal process, and especially how this has changed over time. I have reviewed some movies and television shows which feature lawyers, prosecutors, judges or litigation. I am interested in getting my hands on any novels that have a "legal" component to them, whether as major characters or themes or as minor plot points. At this stage, I am more interested in civil law (ie, business law, family law, contract law, negligence, defamation, etc) rather than criminal trials -- mostly because I intend to explore the extent to which Japanese are willing to engage with law to resolve disputes (rather than unwitting encounters with the criminal trial process). 

Melek Ortabasi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
World Literature Program
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Simon Fraser University
Unit 250-13450
102 Ave., Surrey, BC
Phone: 778-782-8660

"Education is what survives when what has been learned is forgotten." -- B. F. Skinner, "Education in 1984," _New Scientist_ (1969)

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