Hello from Kanako Terasawa

terasawa kanako terasawakanako at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 30 20:59:20 EDT 2010

Dear Jonathan,


I hope that you are well. 

As my mother (Emiko) may have told you, I had been doing my research under the supervision of Laura Mulvey and Nicola Liscutin at Birkbeck, University of London.

I recently completed my PhD on film audience research titled 'Enduring Encounter: Hollywood Cinema and Japanese Women's Memory of the Postwar Experience'. My

examiners were Isolde Standish and Jackie Stacey. 


I came back to Tokyo yesterday and am going to stay here until mid-June. Thank you very much for the information of 'Image Forum Festival' and I am going to see some

films on Monday, 3rd May, if there is any ticket available. I am wondering if there is any chance to see you at the venue on the day?  I really understand that you are busy

during the event but I am hoping to introduce myself to you. 


Have a good weekend!


Best wishes,






> To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: Image Forum Festival 2010
> Dear KineJapanners,
> Having just mentioned iimura's film, I'd be remiss in not also encouraging everyone in Tokyo now to attend the Image Forum Festival. It began on 28 April and runs through 5 May, and is the best opportunity to get see experimental cinema in Japan. Eminent filmmakers rub shoulders with new talents, and the Q&A sessions are usually meaningful and interesting.. This year has a special Chinese experimental film program as well as Japan Animation Panorama. The venue is the usual Park Tower Hall. I hope to see KineJapanners there.
> You can get more information in Japanese here: 
> http://www.imageforum.co.jp/festival/
> Off to the theatre ...
> Jonathan
> Jonathan M. Hall
> JSPS Visiting Fellow, Institute for Language and Culture
> Meiji Gakuin University 2009-2011
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