Japanese queer/gay cinema

Dick Stegewerns dick.stegewerns at xs4all.nl
Wed Apr 14 16:49:57 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues,

I have a graduate student who wants to write on Japanese films dealing 
with homo- or trans-sexuality but who is not terribly successful in 
finding films and sources. I am afraid my mind is blank and I cannot 
think of more than a handful of films (not pink or porn) in which 
homosexuality is a major theme and cannot recollect having read one book 
or article on the subject.

Film titles and reading suggestions (both English and Japanese) most 


Dick Stegewerns
Oslo University

On 13.04.2010 04:51, Alex Bates wrote:
> How was the film?  I'm looking forward to seeing it.
> There is a great resource at the Japan Foundation for finding translations:
> http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/culture/media/exchange/translationsearch.html
> A search there showed translations in German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, 
> Hungarian and Czech, as well as English.
> Here is the citation for the English version:
> "Villon's Wife" translated by Donald Keene, in New Directions 15, 1955. 
> pages: 176-195
> best,
> Alex
> Alex Bates
> East Asian Studies
> Dickinson College
> Carlisle, PA 17013
> On Apr 12, 2010, at 10:19 PM, Michael Kerpan wrote:
>> Just enjoyed seeing Negishi's new adaptation of Dazai's Villon's Wife 
>> -- and wonder if there is an English translation of the source story?

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