Two questions regarding Masumura Yasuzo

Mathieu Capel mathieucapel at
Tue Apr 6 09:10:36 EDT 2010


The three dissertations you mentioned look fascinating. Do you think there's
a way for a french scholar located in Paris to read them ? Would they be
available on the internet or something ?

Mathieu Capel
2010/4/5 Mark Roberts <mroberts37 at>

> Also, I just located the reference for a new essay on Masumura, in
> English:
> Saito, Ayako. "Reading as a Woman: The Collaboration of Ayako Wakao and
> Yasuzo Masumura". Reclaiming the Archive: Feminism and Film History. Ed.
> Vicki Callahan. Wayne State University Press, 2010.
> This book is scheduled for publication in less than two weeks.
> Saito has also written an entire book on Wakao Ayako, which includes
> discussion of Masumura.
> Finally, there is of course Yamane Sadao's "Masumura Yasuzo: Ishi to Shite
> No Erosu", which is probably the longest treatment in Japanese.
> Best,
> M

Mathieu Capel
67 rue de la Roquette
75011 Paris
06 50 32 45 00 / 01 43 79 19 19
mathieucapel at
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