Two questions regarding Masumura Yasuzo

Mathieu Capel mathieucapel at
Sat Apr 3 06:43:30 EDT 2010

Well, I assume the best for you is to look for the "Eiga kantoku Masumura
Yasuzô no sekai", edited by Fujii Hiroaki and published by Wides shuppan in
1999... Texts and articles by Masumura himself, full filmography commented
by Masumura as well, interviews of his collaborators, etc... The best place
to start, definitely. You may take a look too at "Eiga joyû Wakao Ayako", by
Yomota Inuhiko and Saito Ayako (Misuzu Shobo). But about Masumura the
literature in Japanese is as thick as it's thin in western languages, as far
as I know...

Mathieu Capel

2010/4/3 Stefan Borsos <FULLALERT at>

> Dear all,
> currently doing research on Masumura Yasuzo, I was wondering if anyone on
> the list might be able help with the following two questions: First of all,
> are there any studies, articles etc. which cover more extensively
> biografical aspects and production histories of Masumura's works? Secondly,
> how about scholarly essays on him and/or (some of) his films? Any hints
> would be very much appreciated! Thanks so much in advance!
> All the best,
> Stefan

Mathieu Capel
67 rue de la Roquette
75011 Paris
06 50 32 45 00 / 01 43 79 19 19
mathieucapel at
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