
Natasa at
Mon Jul 5 10:00:20 EDT 2010

Hello, my name is Natas von Kopp,
I used to study in Heidelberg history of East Asian Art and after finishing
my studies I started to study filmmaking.
Basically I live in Berlin, Germany but I am also  often in Prague, Czech
My final thesis was an analysis of Yoshimura Kôsaburôs film version of
"Genji monogatari" from 1952. I have analyzed the pictorial tradition and
the influence of the Genji monogatari pictorial canon on Kôsaburôs film. In
2000 I had a chance to meet Kôsaburô in Yokohama. He was quite old by that
time and he rather talked about other films but it was great meeting him and
he actually confirmed his inspiration by the angles and perspectives of
pictures srolls from the 12th century, the also the so called fukinuki yatai
inspired him in many scenes.
Afther my final thesis I wrote a paper on the Martial Arts vs. Western
Then I took up filmmaking and started my own projects. In 2007 I finished a
long documentary about a Czech photographer and artist called Miroslav
Tichý, the film is called "Worldstar". Now I am preparing the next project
and work on some ideas. I would like to make a film in Japan one day, but so
far no project was ever financed. Not yet. I also wanted to continue writing
about Japanese film. Making films is quite time consuming though. But since
we have a crisis in film financing, maybe I might have more time for writing
I am looking forward to hear some news about Japanese films, or about new
books on Japanese film.
Best greetings,

Nataša von Kopp
+420-608 161 996
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