Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo - views in Japan?

Frances Loden frako at
Fri Jun 11 16:53:21 EDT 2010

Jessica Oreck's debut documentary, *Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo*, is opening
in the San Francisco Bay Area soon and I saw it on DVD screener. As a
wide-eyed film "about" Japan, it has its share of essentializing and typical
images of trains, pedestrian crosswalks, neon and guys with pompadours in
Yoyogi Park in addition to its main focus on the Japanese hobby of keeping
crickets and beetles and its connection to bonsai, haiku, cherry blossoms
and *mono no aware*.

Can you point me to any reviews of the film from Japan, whether in English
or Japanese?

Thanks a lot,

Frako Loden
Berkeley, CA
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