Resources on film stock in Japan

Nornes, Markus amnornes at
Tue Jun 8 14:37:25 EDT 2010

Jasper, there is more out there than you think in Japanese. Do you have more specific questions? Eras? Issues?


A. M. Nornes
Department of Screen Arts & Cultures
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
University of Michigan
6525 A  Haven Hall
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1045
Phone:  734-647-3456
Fax:  734-936-1846

On Jun 8, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Jasper Sharp wrote:

Dear Kinejapanners,

I have a query relating to that much neglected aspect of film studies, "film" - that is the manufacture, use and distribution of film stock.
I was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of any resources about film stock in Japan. So far I have found Hisashi Okajima's article Color Film Restoration in Japan: Some Examples which gives some interesting facts about the Japanese governments financial support for Fuji and Konica during the 1950s, to encourage the use of domestically produced colour stock, and it is known that Ozu preferred Agfa. In the silent era however, Japan didn't manufacture its own film stock, but imported it. In the 1910s, would this have been Eastman Kodak stock, or produced in France? During the war, the government restricted the amount of film stock used by the industry, as Peter High mentions in The Imperial Screen.
I was wondering though if there are any more thorough resources out there about which film stocks Japan used throughout its history. English language would of course be best, but as I'm sure there's not a huge amount on the subject, any Japanese references would also be very handy.


Jasper Sharp

Midnight Eye: The Latest and Best in Japanese Cinema<>

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