Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Wed May 26 19:45:53 EDT 2010

Just a quick note to inform KineJapanners in Tokyo that the 36th  
edition of the Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences annual  
conference will be held at Nihon Daigaku (Arts Faculty) in Ekota this  
Saturday and Sunday (May 29 and 30). The symposium on Saturday will be  
on analog vs. digital, and there will be a lot of papers on Saturday  
and Sunday on topics such as Makino Masahiro, Imamura Taihei, Nakagawa  
Nobuo, Naruse, benshi, Ghost in the Shell, prewar animation,  
Mizoguchi, etc. etc. As usual, there will also be screenings of recent  
films/videos/installations by members. A number of KineJapanners will  
be there and/or be presenting.

Schedules and other info are available at:


Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Associate Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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