Busted in Beiruit
matteo boscarol
matteo.boscarol at gmail.com
Wed May 12 12:32:51 EDT 2010
Thank you for the information
Matteo Boscarol
2010/5/13 Nornes, Markus <amnornes at umich.edu>:
> It proved such an expensive script to produce that it never went anywhere, or transformed into "Terrorist". He continues to work on things, but I was encouraging him to return to the spirit of Wan and Sain and make some short films.
> m
> On May 12, 2010, at 10:40 AM, matteo boscarol wrote:
>> Sorry if I`m a little off topic but talking about Adachi, last time
>> I`ve met him he was still busy ghathering funds for "13gatsu" any news
>> on that?
>> Best
>> Matteo Boscarol
>> Il Manifesto
>> 2010/5/12 Mark Nornes <amnornes at umich.edu>:
>>> Over dinner with Adachi Masao, I learned that Wakamatsu Koji was arrested a
>>> few weeks ago in Beirut. Wakamatsu was in Lebanon for film screenings, and
>>> he had visited the prison where Adachi, Okamoto Kozo, and other Red Army
>>> members were imprisoned before extradition to Japan. As they approached the
>>> area, there were signs everywhere warning "no photography allowed."
>>> Wakamatsu left his camera in the car when he and three companions approached
>>> the prison by foot. There were people watching them from every
>>> direction...and he noticed that one of his companions had brought a video
>>> camera and was shooting from the hip. They immediately got busted and thrown
>>> into said prison. After many hours of worried calls to Japan, a lawyer
>>> managed to spring them. I'm sure we'll be hearing Wakamatsu telling this
>>> story whenever he has the chance!
>>> Markus
>>> _________________________________
>>> A. M. Nornes
>>> Chair
>>> Department of Screen Arts and Cultures
>>> University of Michigan
>>> 6525 Haven Hall; 505 S. State Street
>>> Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
>>> Phone: 734-763-4087
>>> FAX: 734-936-1846
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