Japanese-German film relations

Andreas Thein andreas.thein at duesseldorf.de
Wed Oct 27 10:31:21 EDT 2010

Dear Kinejapaners,

in preparing a film series for 2011, I am currently looking into Japanese films that take place in Germany (even if only in parts of the film) - or Japanese films that feature German characters. So far I came up with nothing (there are a lot of German films taking place in Japan, though), yet I seem to remember a film from some years ago about a Japanese girl living (travelling?) in Germany (Berlin?), when a plague, which is only vaguely discribed and rather metaphorical, breaks out. Somehow all of this deals with humanity's unability to love... 
But I'm sure there must be more than just this one title, so: Any input would really be more than welcome!

With sincere thanks in advance,

Andreas Thein
Filmmuseum Duesseldorf
Head of Collection
andreas.thein at duesseldorf.de 

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