Yamagata Film Criticism Workshop
fujioka asako
asakof at tkd.att.ne.jp
Fri Aug 12 02:27:22 EDT 2011
+:+: Seeking participants for Yamagata Film Criticism Workshop :+:+
A $B!H(BYamagata Film Criticism Workshop$B!I(B will be held for the first time ever
at this year's Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival. This
project aims to encourage thinking, writing, and reading on film using
documentaries as an entry point, while offering immersion in the live
atmosphere of the film festival.
Participants (Writers in English and Japanese w) will receive guidance from
professional film critics and write their own articles, which will be
presented publicly. If you have a desire to write reviews of documentary
films, we're looking forward to receiving your application!
Yamagata Film Criticism Workshop application outline
Duration: October 6th(Thu)-11th (Tue), 2011
Venue: Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival screening venue
(Yamagata City)
Entry Conditions:
1: Must be able to attend YIDFF 2011 from October 6th-11th
2: Must be able to write and engage in discussions in English or Japanese
3: Must be able to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses Entry
Send an email including the details requested below to Ms Usui at the
YIDFF's Tokyo Office (usui at tokyo.yidff.jp).
1: Name
2: Age
3: Address
4: Phone number
5: Email address
6: Profile (education & employment history)
7: Short Essay on the theme "Why I Want to Write about Documentaries."
(reasons for applying, approximately 400-500 words.)
Entry Result Notification:
After the applications are reviewed, two or three participants will be
selected from among the English-language applicants, and two or three from
among the Japanese-language applicants. Those chosen to participate will be
notified individually in early September.
Workshop Content: After watching screenings at YIDFF 2011, participants will
write their own critiques. Lecturers will provide personal supervision.
Lecturers: film critics Chris Fujiwara (USA)
and Kitakoji Takashi (Japan)
Chris Fujiwara$B!J(BFilm Critic, USA$B!K!!(B
Chris Fujiwara is a film critic whose books include Jerry Lewis; The World
and Its Double: The Life and Work of Otto Preminger; and Jacques Tourneur:
The Cinema of Nightfall. He writes for a range of publications from daily
newspapers to specialized film journals such as Film Comment and Sight and
Sound. He was invited to the Ozu centenary symposium in Tokyo in 2003. He
has taught at Tokyo University, Yale University, and elsewhere. He has
mentored young film critics at the Berlin International Film Festival$B!G(Bs
Talent Campus since 2003.
$BKL>.O)N4;V!J1G2hHcI>2H!"F|K\!K!!(BKitakoji Takashi
Enquiries: Call Ms Usui at the YIDFF'S Tokyo Office at 03-5362-0672 or send
an email to usui at tokyo.yidff.jp.
YAMAGATA International Documentary Film Festival 2011
October 6 (Thu) - 13 (Thu), 2011
For full program, see www.yidff.jp
(NPO) Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (Yamagata Office)
#201, 9-52 Kinomi-cho, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata-ken 990-0044, JAPAN
Phone: 81-23-666-4480 Fax: 81-23-625-4550
E-mail: info at yidff.jp
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